Saturn Section: September 20, 2000

2000年 9月20日の土星

Teruaki Nishitani, Kazuyoshi Maeda

Teruaki Nishitani (210mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

2000/09/20 16:55:24(UT)  I=180.5 III=174.8  10 frames composite

De=-26.7  E.Dia=19.17"
Ring Long  dia 43.71"  Ring short dia 19.61"  

21cm F6 Newton(ASKO) xp14mm 
NEC PICONA 1/7sec. 10 frames compo.

Kazuyoshi Maeda (350mm Newton, Digital Camera NEC PICONA)

2000/09/20 19:18:03(UT) 
I=251.0 III=342.5 

350mm Newtonian(F5) Or-A 9mm(f/27.2)
NEC PICONA 1/7sec, 11 frames composite

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