木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2001/10/23(UT)

Ed Grafton

Ed Grafton

Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
2001/10/23 09:49(UT)
 Eyepiece Projection @ f/68 w/10mm plossel, projected 70mm, aprox.
 .23 arc seconds per pixel
 Integration Times:
 3 BLUE  + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
 3 GREEN + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
 3 RED   + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
 8 IR bloocker only      .3 seconds, Edmunds IR Blocker

Seeing was average to good 6/10. Transparency good ( 7/10) in between the
clouds which were blowing through form time to time. Wind 3 MPH from the
South, moderate to heavy dew.
   [Ed Grafton, Houston Texas]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section