火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2001/01/13
Damian Peach

Damian Peach (305mm Meade SCT, 406X drawing)
D. A. Peach, King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK.
12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT.
Magnifications: 406X.
Filters: W#21 Filter.

Seeing poor-fair (2-5), deteriorated later.
Tranparency excellent (5.5mag.)
No wind, light dew.

Observation Time: 06:40 - 07:00 UT
Mars CML: 252.4
Ls: 102.5
Diameter: 5.60"

Comments: Fast seeing conditions made for a rather low
contrast view, but there were frequent glimpses of detail.
Hellas was very distinct, and was easily observed.
The Albedo features appeared of low contrast, but
Syrtis Major,
Mare Cimmerium and Utopia were all observed with certainty.
The NPC appeared small and bright. No other cloud markings
observed (probably due to the seeing conditions.)

北極冠 は、小さく、明るいように思われた。

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section