火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2001/07/29

永長英夫,荒川 毅,風本 明,Tan Wei Leong,新川勝仁



used our web and International Mars Watch

 ヘラス(Hellas;300°、-50°)からヘレスポントス(Hellespontus; 330°、-50°)にかけてダストストームの輪郭がはっきりしてきました。一方、ヘラスのダストストームとリビヤ(Libya;270°、0°)のダストストームが接合しました。
Explanations M.Adachi
The edge of the dust storm formed sharp at Hellespontus.The dust storm was jointed to Hellas and Libya.

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)

2001/07/29 12:24:42 (UT)
Ls = 204.32, CM = 308.41
De =  +7.05, Dia = 17.34"

7 frames composite
Seeing=4/10,Trans=3/5, F=37
25cm+LV12mm+prism 6d+Picona(1/7s)

HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

透明度    6/10

 ≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫

Akira Kazemoto(203mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)
シーイング  4/10 シルチスが見えるようになって ダストストームが収まりつつあるのかな。 ≪京都府久世郡 風本明≫
Tan Wei Leong(celestron C11 SC,ST7E Cold CCD CAMERA)

Hi folks,
Attached is the mars image from 29th July 2001.
The skies cleared up at 9pm finally after a few days of rains/clouds.
However the seeing was bad with fast seeing (3-5/10).
Sytris Major is seen in the image.
Regards and Clear Skies
 E-Mail  [Tan Wei Leong  Singapore]  weileong@singnet.com.sg

しかし、シーイングはよくない。 (3-5/10)

Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Digital still camera Minolta DimageEx1500)

Mars on Jul.29, 2001
Ls = 204.3, De =  +7.1, Dia = 17.4"

2001/07/29 10:35:25 (UT)
CM = 281.8
9 frames composite

2001/07/29 10:48:17 (UT)
CM = 284.9
33 frames composite

2001/07/29 11:03:24 (UT)
CM = 288.6
19 frames composite

2001/07/29 13:16:45 (UT)
CM = 321.1
34 frames composite

2001/07/29 13:32:39 (UT)
CM = 325.0
20 frames composite

2001/07/29 13:56:45 (UT)
CM = 330.8
12 frames composite

2001/07/29 14:04:46 (UT)
CM = 332.8
13 frames composite

Observer:Masahito Niikawa
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm

Camera:Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera taking lens removed
CCD:ICX205AL (Sony Monochrome CCD)

Blue Image
indicate [B]
Filter: B390 (360nm - 500nm)
Exposure :1/4 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

Near IR Image
indicate [R]
Filter: R64 (640nm - 1000nm)
Exposure : 1/30 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

IR image
indicate [IR]
Filter: IR84 (840nm - 1000nm)
Exposure :1/4 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

Seeing = 5/10
Transparency = 3/6

Image Processing;
Enhanced with unsharp masking method.

Mare Tyrrhenum, Syrtis Major, Mare Serpenti, and Sunus
Sabaeus these dark area are recognized through the dust
cloud especially in IR images.

Mare Tyrrhenum, Syrtis Major, Mare Serpenti,Sunus Sabaeus
      ≪大阪府 堺市 新川勝仁≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section