火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2001/08/05

河原義則,永長英夫,荒川 毅,池村俊彦,Tan Wei Leong,新川勝仁



used our web and International Mars Watch

Explanations M.Adachi
The neighborhood of Mare Cimmerium was seen darkly in the southern hemisphere. The neighborhood in the center of Mare Cimmerium was covered with dust storm, and it seemed that Mare Cimmerium was divided into two. Dust storm that Mare Cimmerium is crossed has been able to be seen as it is since last dust storm occurred. It is thopught hardly to change a position. NPR is covered with cloud of the vapor. there is a cloud of the vapor in the SPR as well, and Arakawa and Tan Wei Leong take CCD images. Then, Tan Wei Leong is watching dark spot on the east side of Utopia.

河原義則 Yoshinori Kawahara (250mm Cassegrain, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

2001/08/05 10:56:48(UT)
Ls=208.51 CM=222.12
De= +6.42 Dia=16.42"
250mm Cassegrain
yoshinori kawahara
TeleVue barlow 3x
3deg prism  f=/45
10 frames composite

seeing:6/10 相変わらずです。
 ≪愛知県海部郡弥富町 河原義則≫ 

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)

2001/08/05 10:34:42 (UT)
Ls = 208.50, CM = 216.74
De =  +6.43, Dia = 16.42"
9 frames composite
Seeing=3/10,Trans=3/5, F=37

2001/08/05 11:27:06 (UT)
Ls = 208.52, CM = 229.50
De =  +6.42, Dia = 16.42"
10 frames composite
Seeing=5/10,Trans=3/5, F=37

2001/08/05 12:20:23 (UT)
Ls = 208.54, CM = 242.48
De =  +6.42, Dia = 16.42"
5 frames composite
Seeing=4/10,Trans=3/5, F=37

25cm+LV12mm+prism 6d+Picona(1/7s)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

透明度    7/10

 ≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫

Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫

Tan Wei Leong(celestron C11 SC,ST7E Cold CCD CAMERA)

Seeing : Poor (3-4/10), Transparency : (2/10) Altitude = about 58 degrees. No dew.
High clouds present causing exposure times to go 3x longer and still resulting in 1/2 the normal A/D counts. I will have to try again on another day.
Some details were noted in the image. They were easily visible in the eyepiece shots as well.
E-Mail : weileong@singnet.com.sg
[Tan Wei Leong Singapore]


Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Digital still camera Minolta DimageEx1500)

Mars on Aug.05, 2001
Ls = 208.6, De =  +6.4, Dia = 16.4"

2001/08/05 12:36:03 (UT)
CM = 246.3
16 frames composite

2001/08/05 12:53:29 (UT)
CM = 250.5
12 frames composite

Observer:Masahito Niikawa
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm

Camera:Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera taking lens removed
CCD:ICX205AL (Sony Monochrome CCD)

Blue Image
indicate [B]
Filter: B390 (360nm - 500nm)
Exposure :1/4 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

IR image
indicate [IR]
Filter: IR84 (840nm - 1000nm)
Exposure :1/4 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

Seeing = 2/10
Transparency = 3/6

Image Processing;
Enhanced with unsharp masking method.

      ≪大阪府 堺市 新川勝仁≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section