火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2001/08/14

永長英夫,河原義則,荒川 毅,池村俊彦,伊藤紀幸,
新川勝仁,奥田耕司,Hubble Space Telescope


used our web and International Mars Watch

永長氏の画像からシレーン(Mare Sinrenum;160°、-30°)の東端付近に明るいダストの雲の出ていることが分かります。ちょうどシレーンの東端部を南北に挟むように明るく写っています。また、テンペ(Tempe;70°、+40°)付近も濃いダストに覆われていることが分かります。まだまだダストの活動は収まらないように見えます。
Explanations M.Adachi
Einaga caught bright dust storm on the eastern Mare Sirenunm.
This dust storm formed that separated to south-north on the eastern Mare Sirenunm.Tharsis was covered by bright dust storm. The dark spot of the Nix Olympica was conspicuously seen.
It seems that the great dust storm did not die down. Daedaria region was seen dark. And, 3 Mons of the Tharsis was seen dark, too.
The dust storm lower than these Mons.The height of the dust storm is guesswork from these dark spots.The SPC caught by Ikemura's CCD image. On the other hand, NPR was covered by whitish clouds.

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)

2001/08/14 10:25:13 (UT)
Ls = 213.98, CM = 130.29
De =  +5.21, Dia = 15.29"
10 frames composite
2Seeing=5/10,Trans=3/5, F=37

2001/08/14 11:02:12 (UT)
Ls = 214.00, CM = 139.30
De =  +5.20, Dia = 15.28"
10 frames composite
2Seeing=5/10,Trans=3/5, F=37

2001/08/14 11:35:08 (UT)
Ls = 214.01, CM = 147.32
De =  +5.20, Dia = 15.28"
3 frames composite
Seeing=4/10,Trans=2/5, F=37

25cm+LV12mm+prism 6d+Picona(1/7s)
HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

河原義則 Yoshinori Kawahara (250mm Cassegrain, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

2001/08/14 10:30:08(UT) Ls=213.99 CM=131.49
De= +5.21 Dia=15.29"    250mm Cassegrain
NEC PICONA 1/7sec       yoshinori kawahara
TeleVue barlow 3x       3deg prism  f=/45
10 frames composite

8月にしてはseeingが良くない。 seeing:5/10
 ≪愛知県海部郡弥富町 河原義則≫

Tsuyoshi Arakawa (300mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

透明度    6/10
 ≪奈良県奈良市 荒川 毅≫

Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton, Digital still camera NEC PICONA)

I show Olympos Mons continuously blackly.
A position of Teru point which appeared under the left of Sirenum on July 4 becomes dark.This seems to become the permanent pattern.
There is the part of Sirenum which is right bright for the north (The underneath), but change which is active as Teru point to this seems to be no.
I seem to see South Pole crown.
[T.Ikemura Nagoya-City]
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫

Noriyuki Ito (600mm Cassegrain, Digital Video SONY DCR-TRV20)

As for the sky, seeing and transparence was more better than yesterday,I saw details of Tharsis mountain range and Olympus mons.
It is in adjustment at present, I am using a prism for eye examination from July 13,It revised color decentralization with the atmosphere.
Mars where there are hardly no color gaps is projected on the monitor of the video camera clearly,Whether or not I see it in a different country is almost supposed.

600mm Cassegrain, Or18mm , SONY Digital Video Camera DCR-TRV20 15frames composite
[N.Ito Niigata prefecture Japan]

新潟県立自然科学館 60cm カセグレン式反射望遠鏡 Or-18mm拡大撮影
SONY デジタルビデオカメラ DCR-TRV20画像にて撮影
≪新潟県 伊藤紀幸≫

Masahito Niikawa (280mm SC, Digital still camera Minolta DimageEx1500)

Mars on Aug.14, 2001
Ls = 214.1, De =  +5.2, Dia = 15.3"

2001/08/14 12:54:49 (UT)
CM = 166.7
15 frames composite

Observer:Masahito Niikawa
Obs.site : Mozuhonmachi Sakai-City Osaka Japan
Telescope : C11 (SC) D=280mm fl=2800mm
Camera:Minolta DimageEx1500 Digital Camera taking lens removed
CCD:ICX205AL (Sony Monochrome CCD)

Filter: R64 (640nm - 1000nm)
Exposure :1/3 sec
Effective F No.: 36 (XP24mm Eyepiece Projection)

Seeing = 4/10
Transparency = 1/6

Image Processing;
Enhanced with unsharp masking method.
      ≪大阪府 堺市 新川勝仁≫

Koji Okuda (250mm Newton, BITRAN BT-01 Cooled CCD Camera)

Seeing=3/10  Transpa=9/10
≪滋賀県信楽町 奥田耕司≫

Hubble Space Telescope(2900mm fl=5300mm)
South up image

[NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute]
ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section