水星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Mercury Image 2002/10/14

Frank J Melillo


Frank J Melillo(Celestron 203mm Schmidt Starlight Xpress MX-5)

Dear all-
 I have attached images of Mercury that I took late Monday morning Oct. 14th in broad
daylight near the local meridian. Mercury displayed a half-phase with possible albedo
markings in the southern hemisphere.
 A red filter Wr. #25 was used and the seeing condition was OK but not great.
But, there were some fine moments during the exposures.

Dear all-
I thought you may like this!
I have attached images of Mercury from Erwin V Valden of Australia and mine from Oct. 14th
They are 5-6 hrs. apart and from half way around the world! Note that the images are identically to each other with hints of albedo features just south of equator.
The visibility of the southern features were more apparently by the end of the week.
The ALPO Mercury section have done an excellent job for this current morning apparition! As I mentioned earlier, I will make a montage of all our observations!
More later...
Dear all-
 Attached to this file, I have combined three observations of Mercury.
One from Mario Frassati of Italy on Oct. 12th and mine from Oct. 14th.
Plus, one image from last year on Oct. 30, 2001 for comparison.
Mercury hasn't rotated much in two days. So, any features that are
visible on the disk should look the same.
As I expected, Mario (CM - 90 degrees)and I (CM - 100 degrees)have
recorded the same albedo markings in the southern hemisphere.
In addition, I am comparing with my observation of Mercury from last
year on Oct. 30, 2001.
Surprisingly, they both look identically!! Only two degrees difference
in CM longitude!
These dark features in the southern hemisphere may contain of Solitudos
Jovis, Matae and Helii. They are very prominent at this phase angle.
Also, a possibility of Solitudo Horarum amd a white area Pleias may
be seen just to the north of equator.
I believe this is a fine observation of Mercury!!
I am planning to image again perhaps this Friday and Saturday.
The weather will be OK as of now.
     More later...

2002/10/12のイタリアの Mario Frassati のスケッチ、及び、
2002/10/14の私の画像、比較のための 2001/10/30の昨年の画像。
水星は、2 日でほとんど自転しなかった。
私が思ったとおり、 Mario ( CM - 90 degrees)and I ( CM - 100 degrees)have は、
CM 経度におけるわずか 2 度差である。
これらの模様は、南半球で特徴的なSolitudos  Jovis 、 Matae 、 Helii など。
同様に 北半球のSolitudo  Horarum や白いエリア Pleias 等も同定できるかもしれない。
 ≪アメリカ ニューヨーク フランク≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Mercury Section