木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/01/04(UT)

安達 誠,Ed Grafton,Antonio Cidadao

M.Adachi,E.Grafton,A. Cidadao
Makoto Adachi (Drawing: 310mm Newtonian)


≪滋賀県 大津市 安達 誠≫

Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
2002/01/04 05:45 (UT)
Hi Jupiter Observers,
The 3rd SEB can be seen in this image to be a further extension of the the
S. Trop. band that began to emerge from the GRS in early Nov. and quickly
extended to a small brown oval in the STZ at about CM2 20-25. The extentions
movement from the GRS became arrested at this point and remained stable for
a period of weeks through mid December. In late December Frank J Melillo and
Clay Sherrod had made obsevations of further growth of the S. Trop. band.
The shadow in this image is from Io. As we are just past opposition Io's
shadow is in close proximity to it. In this image Io can be seen just to the
left and adjacent to the shadow and displays pronounced polar darkening of
it's S. polar region.
On the S. edge of the NEB border past the CM a very bright and rather tiny
spot is noted.
The weather in Houston was unusually cool with artic high pressure limiting
the daytime high to 50 F. The temperature dropped rapidly with the sunset
and by 9 pm local time the temperature was 36 F. At this point, the artic
high pressure had slipped slightly to the east giving Houston light SE winds
and halting the rapid temperature drop allowing the sky to get fairly
steady. The sky was very transparent, 9/10, and seeing was good, 7/10, with
a 3 MPH SE wind. No dew was present.

Ed Grafton, Houston Texas,
ST6 CCD medium resolution mode 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT
Eyepiece Projection @ f/68 w/10mm plossel, projected 70mm,
aprox..23 arc seconds per pixel.
  Image data:
  2 BLUE  + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
  2 GREEN + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
  2 RED   + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
  1 IR blocker only       .3 seconds, Edmunds IR Blocker
  Ed Grafton          E-Mail: egrafton@ghg.net

2002/01/04 05:16 (UT)
Eyepiece Projection @ f/68 w/10mm plossel, projected 70mm,
aprox..23 arc seconds per pixel.

 Image data:

 2 BLUE  + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
 2 GREEN + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
 2 RED	+ IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters
 3 IR blocker only       .3 seconds, Edmunds IR Blocker
   [Ed Grafton, Houston Texas]

Antonio Cidadao (280mm C11+ST-237 CCD camera)

A "CH4-bright" cloud in SEB following the GRS is
seen in Dec27 (also bright in IR).

Steady skies!
 ≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section