木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/02/03(UT)

阿久津弘明,永長英夫,Antonio Cidadao


Hiroaki Akutsu(280mm Newtonian(F4.3), BJ32-C BITRAN CCD Camera)

FIRST LIGHTになります。天候が悪く調整が出来ず、まだ
≪北海道旭川市 阿久津弘明≫

Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Digital Still Camera NEC PICONA)
2002/02/03 11:19:10 (UT)
CMI = 137.9, CMII =  45.1, CMIII = 130.0
De =  +2.0, E.Dia = 45.07"
5 frames composite

2002/02/03 12:50:50 (UT)
CMI = 193.7, CMII = 100.5, CMIII = 185.4
De =  +2.0, E.Dia = 45.06"
6 frames composite

2002/02/03 14:06:50 (UT)
CMI = 240.1, CMII = 146.5, CMIII = 231.4
De =  +2.0, E.Dia = 45.06"
9 frames composite


HIDEO EINAGA ≪兵庫・加西 永長英夫≫

Antonio Cidadao (280mm C11+ST-237 CCD camera)
Hi all,

Here are a few of tonight's images (Jan 03), RGB, IR and CH4. An
enlargement of the GRS-BA region is also included (RGB and IR+CH4).

No differences were found in BA's appearance with respect to previous days.
Substructure is seen in both visible and IR light, the CH4 is smaller than
in the IR and visible. In visible light, the B image of BA seems to be
smaller than with the R filter.

Note that the small oval that follws BA is partially surrounded by material
(best seen in R and IR light).

Good observations


 ≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section