木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/02/26(UT)

中西英和,Antonio Cidadao

Hidekazu Nakanishi,A.Cidadao

Hidekazu Nakanishi (Meade 250mm SCT, Starlight Xpress MX5-C Cooled CCD Camara)

 ≪愛知県尾西市 中西英和≫

Antonio Cidadao (280mm C11+ST-237 CCD camera)

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Hi all,
Here are my latest images, and I'm currently processing the other Feb data.

The SEdisturbance is seen in the Feb26 images, perhaps now less conspicuous
on the CH4 band. The methane dark STB segments continue to be present, and
the NNTB oval is still methane bright.
The feb 27 images show the GRS, BA and SSTC Wos, NEB with B4 and the
extensive rift system (a mid-NEB barge / white spot is seen). The GRS and
BA in methane-band continue to present the morphology described in earlier
messages. A few CH4-bright clouds are seen in SEB following the GRS.
In clear and RGB images, a smal dark spot is seen immediately N of the GRS.
It is always impressive to see that even large /dark barges like B4 are
virtually invisible in IR.
Good observations
 ≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section