木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2002/03/06(UT)

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod,Antonio Cidadao


Dr. P. Clay Sherrod (310mm Schmidt Olympus C-3000 camera)

Seeing fair to good.  Notice the very segmented nature now of the south
component of the NEB and the continuing elongation eastward of the very
large diagonal NEB rift!  The dusky oval on the s. edge of the SEBs and into
the STrZ is now seen to begin encroaching into the SEBs, and forcing it
northward. Note very bright oval BA just pr. the GRS.

Seeing fair to good.  Wonderful detail pr. and following the GRS and oval BA
area.  The diagonal NEB rift is seen all the way from left to right (at
intersection area of barge B-4) in this image.  Note the considerable drift
now eastward (leading) of BA away from the GRS.
Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
Arkansas Sky Observatory
[Dr. P. Clay Sherrod  Arkansas  State U.S.A]
 ≪クレイ シェラード アメリカ アーカンサス≫

Antonio Cidadao (280mm C11+ST-237 CCD camera)

Hello all,

These images, showing GRS/BA, were obtained with unfavourable seeing
conditions. Anyway, I hope that some quantitations can be made. Note how
close is the NEB wos/barge pair (near CM in Mar 09 images)

Good observations
 ≪アントニオ シダダオ ポルトガル≫
[Antonio Cidadao  Oeiras - Portugal ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section