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Uranus Image 2002/07/19
Ed Grafton
Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
The sky was both transparent and steady in Houston Texas in the mourning
hours of 07-19-02. Some longer exposures than normal were used this session
to try and coax out the fainter fifth moon of Uranus, Miranda. I have not
seen any amateur images of Miranda so this may be the first time it has been
captured with modest equipment. The sky was very clear, 9/10, and very
steady 9/10. No wind and moderate dew was present.
Here is the Uranus Observation from July 19th 2002
1) The upper left image shows the four brighter Uranus moons and the fainter
fifth moon Miranda. This image was optimized for the moons of Uranus.
4 x 30 sec clear filter, taken at 08:47 UT
2) The upper right image is the output from the Uranus Viewer 1.1 web site
showing the positions of the moons. The web site is at:
3) The lower left image is an LRGB taken at 08:36 UT. This image was
optimized for the disk of Uranus.
L = 11 x 5.5 sec
R = 3 x 10 sec
G = 3 x 10 sec
B = 3 x 10 sec
4) The Lower right image is a composite made from images the 1) and 3)
showing the Uranus disk and the moons in one image.
Ed Grafton E-Mail: egrafton@ghg.net
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas U.S.A]