金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Venus Image 2002/03/21(UT)

Damian Peach


Damian Peach (12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT @ f/21.0. ST-5c camera)
I attach an image of Venus obtained yesterday afternoon around an hour before sunset. This is my first image of
the Planet in a year, since i have since moved house, and now live in Rochester, Kent. The E and W horizion's are
better here which will allow me to follow the Planet in the morning now.

Since Venus is still quite close to the Sun, only IR filter images were possible due to the brightness of the sky.
Here is the image information:

12" (30.5c) Meade SCT @ f/29.1.
SBIG ST-5c camera.

Exposure times.

IR filter (800-1200nm.): 16 x 0.01 secs

Seeing very variable (0-7.)
Transparency generally excellent (clear daylight sky)
but ocassional low clouds and high haze.

The image seems to show some brighter cloud features,
which would appear brighter at these wavelengths, and
darker in violet. Will obtain more when the weather allows.

Best Wishes


Damian Peach. ALPO/BAA Jupiter Sections.
                            BAA Saturn Section.
E-mail: dpeach78@netscapeonline.co.uk
Homepage: http://www.the-planets.co.uk/
BAA Saturn Section:
BAA Jupiter Section:
[Rochester, Kent, UK.]
 ≪ダミアン−ピーチ イギリス≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section