金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Venus Image 2002/05/31(UT)

Damian Peach


Damian Peach (Sketch 11" (28cm) SCT @ f/31.4 with G filter)

Hi all,
Here are some images of Venus obtained this evening, before sunset. The conditions were somewhat
better seeing conditions than later on for Jupiter. Visually at 334x, the view was very sharp at times,
with stubble shading visible, especially in the Southern hemisphere, which also seems to be present
in the B image.
Best Wishes

VENUS IMAGES, MAY 31st, 2002.
D. A. Peach, Rochester, Kent, UK.
11" (28 cm) Celestron SCT @ f/31.4. SBIG ST-5c camera.
SBIG RGB Filter set.
Seeing fair - good (4-8.) Transparency variable, with frequent high clouds, and low cumulus.
Wind SW (0-5mph.) No dew.
Diam= 12.9"
Altitude=30 degs.
Damian Peach. ALPO/BAA Jupiter Sections.
                            BAA Saturn Section.
E-mail: dpeach78@netscapeonline.co.uk
Homepage: http://www.the-planets.co.uk/
BAA Saturn Section:
BAA Jupiter Section:
[Rochester, Kent, UK.]
 ≪ダミアン−ピーチ イギリス≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section