火星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Image 2003/07/20(UT)
Frank J Melillo,Fabio Acquarone,Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Nicolas Biver,Gianni Tumino,Christophe Pellier,David M Moore,Damian Peach,Ferruccio Zanotti
Paolo R.Lazzarotti)の画像ではマルガリティファー(Margaritifer Sinus;
20W,-10)からアウロラエ(Aurorae Sinus;50W,-10)付近の様子がよく記録さ
れている。(reported by 9 observers)
July 20th, 2003
There was not a big change on the whole Martian surface. In the
image of Paolo R.Lazzarotti (Italy) a state near Aurorae Sinus
(50W,-10) is well recorded from Margaritifer (20W,-10)
Subaru(8200mm Ultra-High-sensitivity HDTV I.I Color Camera(NHK)))

大きなサイズはこちらLarge image
国立天文台 提供
[ Subaru:Mauna Kea - Hawaii]
Frank J Melillo(Celestron 203mm Schmidt Starlight Xpress MX-5)
Dear all
Mars was imaged July 20th at 7:30 UT. This time I can use the adaptive optics in total darkness.
Before, I couldn't use it in bright twilight and in daylight.
The seeing was above average but not perfect.
But the adaptive optics helps to stabilize the image and it produced more sharper view than without
any image motion. This is perhaps one of my best shot with numerous details around Solis Lacus and
as well the rest of the disk.
I want to thank some of you for your comments about processing with the Maximum Entropy.
(But, I will answer you privitely).
But this time I am concentrating more on unsharp masking and it produced more natual view than the
maximum entropy in this case.
Also, I produced a false color image of Mars which is very close to 'real' color.
Frank J
[Frank J Melillo Holtsville NY U.S.A]
≪フランク : アメリカ ニューヨーク≫
Fabio Acquarone(235mm F10 SCT:Toucam Pro)

Instruments : Celestron C9,25 - focal lenght 2350mm - diameter 2350mm f/10
GM-8 mount Barlow Televue 3x Toucam Pro exposition 1/25 sec.
Observation locality : Casa del Romano (ITALY) Long. 44°34'12" N Lat. 9°10'01 E H.00:09 UT
Elaboration software: IRIS - Stacking of 1100 best frames on 1500 taken at 10 f/sec.
Color images are progressive elaboration using
unsharp mask and levels corrections.
Seeing was bad, wind and bad trasparency conditioned the observation.
Thank you
[ Fabio Acquarone Genoa ITALY ]
Paolo R. Lazzarotti (178mm f/15 Maksutov-Cassegrain Astromeccanica KC381 video CCD camera)
Dear all
Here my latest Mars image under good to very good seeing and good transparency.
Note the very bright prominence of mons Argenteus (?) in the SPC close to the CM.
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti Massa-City,Italy]
≪ラザロッティ マサ:イタリア≫
Nicolas Biver (256mm Newtonian Drawing)
Date/time (UT): 2003-07-20 02:17
CML: 353.3
Telescope: 25.6-cm Newtonian (x507)
Seeing: 3-5 /10 (average)
Transparency: 8-9/10
Location: Versailles, France
(drawing quality: 7/10 - average/good)
Dear all Mars observers
Here are my latest drawings with relatively good seeing.
Argentus mons has become obvious as a very bright small (~0.8") spot on
the edge of the SPC, within a brighter zone. The edge of NPH (or NPC?) is
just visible on the edge of the northen limb, especially towards Mare
Acidalium. Hellas seems a little paler or more yellowish than other parts
of Mars "clear" zones.
[Nicolas Biver MEUDON, FRANCE]
≪ニコラス ビバ フランス≫
Gianni Tumino (SCT MEADE LX 200 12" PHILIPS ToUcam PRO)
[Gianni Tumino RAGUSA-Sicily,Italy]
≪ギアニ ツミノ ラグサ:イタリア≫
Christophe Pellier (180mm Newtonian webcam Toucam Pro)
Hi all : some images of Mars taken under very fair seeing...
Best wishes
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]
≪クリストフ ペリエ フランス≫
David M. Moore(25cm Newtonian, Philips ToUcam)
My first image in a while. Lots of clouds as the monsoons have kicked off with a vengeance.
I note not nearly as much cloud activity as the last rotation of the area.
NPH almost absent as well.
Dust activity has suppressed it in some way I would imagine.
Sunday I visited with Tan Wei Leong. He is in town on business.
I took him to Kitt Peak Observatory. Nice and cool up there! Despite Tan's 24 hour marathon
flight, he managed to stay awake long enough to share some good discussion and stories.
Cloudy weather and my work schedule may prevent out observing together or meeting again before he
leaves. For that, I am truly sorry.
[ David M Moore Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A]
Damian Peach (8" (200mm) f/6 Newtonian:Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.)
D. A. Peach. Herts, UK.
8" (20cm) f/6 Newtonian @ f/35.
Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.
Total Exposure times: ~650 x 0.04 secs.
Seeing fair (pickering 3-7) at 25 degrees.
Transparency excellent (5.5mag.), but low clouds forming.
Wind SW (5mph.) No dew.
Hi all
Here are some more Mars images from this morning.
Not so many clouds allowed me to take a bit more time over everything!.
The seeing was fair at 25 degrees this morning, and visually the surface details were quite well defined.
The images show Sinus Meridiani showing its fork like appearance.
Also the SPC shows Rima Australe, and also Argenteus Mons and Novus Mons.
Best Wishes
[Damian Peach: Hertfordshire, UK.]
≪≪ダミアン−ピーチ イギリス Hertfordshire≫≫
Ferruccio Zanotti ( Newtonian 450 : webcam Philips ToUcam pro)
[Ferruccio Zanotti , Ferrara-Italy]
ALPO-Japan Latest
Mars Section