土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Report 2003/10/20

Saturn's spots update - IOPW Agustin Sanchez

Saturn's spots update - IOPW Agustin Sanchez
Hi Saturn observers,
Thanks to the very good images some observers are sending to the IOPW, we
have been able to connfirm that the -29 deg spot tracked by Ed Grafton is
the same that one of the spot at this latitutde captured with the Hubble
on 25 August. This spot moves rapidly eastward in System III (as
expected). See graph W_29S.
Ed Graftonの画像において追跡しました。

The second spot at -42 deg moves westward slowly (also as expected, see
graph W_42S), and it is in the place where last year convective spots
-42 ゜の第 2 のスポットは、予想どおり、ゆっくりと  西へ動いた。

The last image by Ed Grafton (Oct. 19) show appatently small dark spots
in temperate - tropical latitudes similar to those captured by HST last
apparition, but they must be confirmed by their rotation observation.
The image also shows features in the Equatorial Zone. These are very
important to confirm the drop in the equatorial jet observed between

Ed Graftonの10月19日の画像は前期の最後にHSTが撮影したものと同様な緯度である。
EZ 赤道地域は同様な様子を示している。
これらは、 1996-2002 の間に観察された赤道のジェットの低下を確認するために、

Good observations!
Agustin Sanchez Lavega
Dpto. Fisica Aplicada I
E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales y Telecomunicacion
Universidad del Pais Vasco
Alda. Urquijo s/n
48013 BILBAO (Spain)
Tfno.: 946014255
Fax: 946014178
e-mail: wupsalaa@bi.ehu.es

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section