土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Saturn Image 2003/11/04(UT)

大田 聡,
Ed Grafton


Satoshi Ota (319mm Newtonian, Qcam pro4000)
[Tomigusuku city Okinawa Japan]
≪沖縄県  豊見城市  大田 聡≫

Ed Grafton (14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode)
Hi Saturn Observers
Here is an observation from November 4th 2003. There looks to be a small low
contrast spot that is near the CM on the 8:48 UT image. The latitude looks
to be about about -50 South unlike the usual interlopers at -42 South. The
sky was clear with ground fog moving through at different densities, the
transparency was poor to good 3-8/10, and seeing was very good 8/10. Light 1
mph South wind and heavy dew with moister dripping from the surrounding
foliage. The weather was mild with the temperatures in upper 60s F.

Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5C CCD and a 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT
Barlow Projection to f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel.
Image data:
BLUE    + IR rejection, 1  second, Edmunds filter
GREEN   + IR rejection, .8  seconds, Edmunds filter
RED     + IR rejection,  .6  seconds, Edmunds filter
Clear filter,  No IR  .3  seconds,  Edmunds filter
Ed Grafton
[Ed Grafton, Houston Texas U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section