天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Uranus Image 2003/08/01(UT)

Fabio Acquarone


Fabio Acquarone(235mm F10 SCT:Toucam Pro)
Barlow Televue 3x Toucam Pro   exposition 1/25 sec.
Elaboration software: IRIS -  Stacking of 277 frames taken at 5 f/sec

Barlow Televue 3x Toucam Pro   exposition 1/25 sec.
Elaboration software: IRIS -  Stacking of 850 frames taken at 5 f/sec

Celestron C9,25 - focal lenght 2350mm - diameter 2350mm  f/10 GM-8 mount
Color images are progressive elaboration using unsharp mask and levels corrections.
[ Fabio Acquarone Genoa ITALY ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Uranus Section