天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)
ALPO-Japan Latest
Uranus Image 2003/08/12(UT)
Carmelo Zannelli
Carmelo Zannelli ( Newton (Vixen) D=412mm F=1790mm: webcam Philips ToUcam pro)
2003/08/12 01:02(UT) Diameter: 3.68"
Magnitude: 5.7 True distance: 19.0366753 AU (2848 million km)
Phase: 1.000 Phase angle: 0.6° Elongation: 168.1°
Seeing: 5/10; Transp.: 7/10;
Telescope: Newton homebuild D= 412 mm. F= 1790 mm. f/4,3;
Webcam Philips Toucam Pro + filtro IR-Cut - 5 FPS at 1/25 s. exposure;
Eyepiece projection: Meade SP 12,4 mm - about F/33 (about 13,4 meters);
510 frames of 1800 stacked with Registax;
[Carmelo Zannelli , Sicily-Italy]