木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部 (最新)

ALPO-Japan Latest
Jupiter Image 2004/01/24(UT)

Thomas E. Williamso,seung-yong choi,Philippe Cambre


Kenkichi.Yunoki (200mm Newtonian, ToUcam Pro)
[Kenkichi Yunoki  (Sakai City  Japan)]
≪大阪府  堺市  柚木健吉≫

Hideto Fukui (250mm Dall Kirkham, Philips ToUcam Pro)
[Hideto.Fukui  (Kyoto City  Japan)]
≪京都府  京都市  福井英人≫

Thomas E. Williamson(203 mm Newtonian: ToUcam Pro)
Attached are my latest images of Jupiter. The images show the GRS near the
meridian with the nearby STB dark spot. There appears to be a thin, dark
threadlike connection between the GRS and the dark spot in an enhanced
portion of one of the images.

2004/01/24 09:03, 09:07 UT    203 mm Newtonian: ToUcam Pro  Seeing 6/10 Trans 8/10
[ Thomas E. Williamson Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA ]

seung-yong choi (250mm Dall Kirkham : Philips ToUcam Pro)
2004/01/24 17:28(UT) CM I = 214.59   CM II = 26.41
2004/01/24 18:51(UT) C.M. : 268.25    C.M. : 79.60
250mm Dall Kirkham : Philips ToUcam Pro Seeing 3/10 Trans 6/10
[seung-yong choi, Ansan  kyunggi-do korea][韓国]

Philippe Cambre (180mm Mewlon ToUcam PRO)

2004/01/24 02:54:00 (UT) I = 45,6ー II = 222,0ー III = 139,2ー 180mm Mewlon Takahashi : ToUcam PRO Seeing 6/10 Trans 4.5/5 [Philippe Cambre Obernai City , France]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section