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Saturn Image 2004/11/17(UT)
Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Paolo Morelli

Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton : Lumenera LU075M)

Here an image of Saturn taken with hard seeing conditions.
The image did appear always splitted in 2 parts and I just had 15 seconds of fair break within 2 hours and half of watching!!
So, I did process 300 frames only. Very frustrating night.
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

Paolo Morelli(180mm MakCass:ToUcam PRO)
2004/11/17  01:05:00 (UT)
CMI=93.8‹  CMII=29.0‹  CMIII=334.5‹
Ls=298‹  Ds=-23.4‹

180 mm F/10 Mak Cass STF -ToUcam PRO
Feq=4000mm, 2x Barlow, IR cut, 1400 Frames
Seeing 6/10 Trans 8/10
[Paolo Morelli : Pioltello (Milan) -Italy ]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section