Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton : Lumenera LU075M)
Dear all
Here attached you can find an image of Uranus taken this morning under a
lot of fog and seeing fair/good.
Because it was just an experiment, no orientation reported.
A lot of troubles to find it and focus the image.
I'm not sure about features revealed; if I'm not mistaken, Uranus should
be regular and omogeneus.
So, I think it's better to wait for other images. Welcome any
future observation from any of us.
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]
Christophe Pellier (C14 ; ATK-1HS)

Hi all, here are some first results on Uranus. Images are not really
"self-speaking" ! I see a brightening on all images of the south pole, which
you may also see depending on which screen you're looking at (more visible
on a LCD laptop screen), but I have no proof that this just not any kind of
The C14 is used with a 2x barlow (F/22 theorically). The ATK is in normal
mode for the RG610 image (1/5th second with 80 % gain) and in long-exposure
in near IR (400 to 500 raws at 0,5 sec.).
Some reference professionnal images that show the brighter south pole can be
found :
Pic du midi in 2002 (this one is a good reference of a ground-base I band image) :
(some Neptune and Pluto images as well !)
HST last year :
It would be worth rotating the camera in a next observation, to see if the
zone also rotates, for example, but this is clearly a very hard observation
(more easy to image Venus's surface ;-)) )
[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]