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ALPO-Japan Latest
Venus Image 2004/01/29(UT)

Christophe Pellier


Christophe Pellier (180mm Newtonian webcam Toucam Pro)
Hi all, here are some Venus images taken under a quite stable sky for first
time. The UV images show very contrasted dark markings, exactly the same in
each three images. Nonetheless the shape of that markings looks strange ?
The dark limb arc is already fully visible on the raw frames.
In IR, some very faint dark markings can be seen I think, again identical in
the two images.
I have also made a few tests in blue light, and it has been interested :
- the W47 filter (+ IRX) : this filter shows the UV dark markings, with a
weaker contrast but the image is the same. It could be an acceptable
solution for who doesn't have an UV filter.
- the Blue 380 filter : this is the Schuler P (purple) filter, which has a
similar bandpass to the B 390, and is supposed to pass UV light : contrast
is diminished further, but the faintest details near the centre of the disk
are still within reach.
- the Astronomik blue filter : this broad blue filter still shows the limb
arc but the other details are being lost due to a very weak contrast.
Best wishes

Hi all, a great number of people are legitimately expressing their concern
about that the dark arc band could be an artifact. I have been also
surprised by the look of the images, nonetheless it's definitely apparent
already on the raw images - here you have one that is taken from the last UV
capture. Moreover I find hard to understand why an artifact would reproduce
itself exactly the same on six different images... So as far as I know for
me it's a real feature, but if someone has more data please send it to me !
Best wishes,
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City , France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section