金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2004/04/07(UT)

Christophe Pellier


Kazuhiko takimoto (Drawing: 150mm Newtonian)

≪和歌山県東牟婁郡 瀧本和彦≫
Christophe Pellier (C14 ; ATK-1HS)
Hi all, here is one UV image . Bright cusps in visual with
the W47 filter - one friend who was observing with me noted that one looked
more conspicuous - so was the corresponding cusp in UV light (it's the one
belonging to pole currently tilted toward Earth).
I have made some shorts experiences with a few filters (screwed on the UV
one) to see how much those were passing UV or not :
- IR-cut filter and Blue filter (both Astronomik) : the luminosity of the
image decreases quite a bit but there is still enough light at 1/50th to
shoot !
- Blue-violet filter (Schuler Purple) : very good UV transmission, as
- W47 : very good UV transmission, much surprising as the filter is not
supposed to transmit UV wavelenghts... Is the wratten transmission curve
false ?
[Christophe Pellier  Bruz City , France]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section