金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2004/09/17(UT)
Christophe Pellier,Mario Weigand

Christophe Pellier (C14 ; ATK-1HS)

Here is the brightest and biggest polar cusp I have seen so far on Venus !!
I'm however not certain to have seen it visually with the W47.

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City , France]
Mario Weigand(225mm TSC225: ToUcam Pro)
Date / Time:   2004/09/17 04:54:00 (UT)
Telescoipe:    Takahashi TSC-225 (225mm Schmidt-Cassegrain)
Camera:        Atik ATK-1HS II
Seeing:        3/10
Trans:          6/10
Location:      "Offenbach am Main" (city), Germany

Comment:       The seeing wasn't that good this morning,
               but there was a bright cloud formation covering the south
               pole region, which I could image.


[Mario Weigand:Offenbach am Main Germany]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section