木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Consideration of surface height difference by binocular vision of planet image 2005/05/26

GOTO English
惑星画像の立体視による表面高低差の考察 by J.Nakamura
Junichi Nakamura(160mm Newtonian, ToUcam PRO)

2004/02/27の16h50m30s(UT)のものと17h06m30s(UT) の画像を使用。

2005/05/04の14h34m25s(UT)のものと14h59m27s(UT) の画像となります。






この考察は私が中学生であったウン十年前からのものですが、当時の機材では なかなか表面の詳細画像が得られなく、
一昨年のToUcam+Registax という素晴らしいアイテムによりようやく可能となりました。機材の進歩に感謝です。
Junichi Nakamura (Tokyo,Japan)
≪東京都  国分寺市  中村淳一≫
GOTO Japanese Consideration of surface height difference by binocular vision of planet image by J.Nakamura
Junichi Nakamura(160mm Newtonian, ToUcam PRO)
I thought that I wanted to verify it when becoming it to obtain the image of a detailed planet ahead. It is "Consideration of surface height difference by binocular vision of planet image". This sample is variegated the pattern on the surface and image of the Jupiter where the vertical interval is understood well. (It is possible even by other planets. ) Sample 1 2004/02/27 Image of 16h50m30s(UT) and 17h06m30s(UT) Sample 2 2005/05/04 Image of 14h34m25s(UT) and 14h59m27s(UT) The common feature of these two stereograph images - Thing with ups and downs as facing to GRSn and flowing, etc. of part where SEBn at the previous state of GRS is dark - A facula relation is how to see it to think that height is the highest of the gush. (It can be felt that the part that looks white in GRS is high, it faces the center part of GRS, and it flows in the spiral form. ) - The Festoon seems to be lower than the barge. It is roughly this result. This three-dimensional image is necessary in the future and it the same as people's " Parallax" or a scientific verification is necessary. And, it examines whether to make it in the graph at these vertical intervals. When I was a student, this idea was flashed. But, it was not possible to record in detail with old machine parts. However, it became possible thanks to wonderful item "ToUcam+Registax". It is thanks to the advancement of machine parts. I using a body tube is 160mm caliber. In addition, I think that it can do a better stereograph image if it is your efficient body tube. Junichi Nakamura (Tokyo,Japan)

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