木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2005/06/01(UT)
Randy Tatum,Christopher Go
Y.Tomita,H.Kusakai,H.Einaga,R.Tatum,Christopher Go

Yasuaki Tomita (255mmREF, Bitran 32L CCD Camera)
≪群馬県佐波郡  冨田安明≫

hideo Kusakai(200mm newton Philips ToUcam Pro)

[H.Kusakai Akita-city Akita-Pref Japan]
≪秋田県秋田市 草階英夫≫
Hideo Einaga (250mm Newton, Toucam Pro Webcam)
[Hideo Einaga Kasai-City Hyogo-Prefecture Japan]
≪兵庫県  加西  永長英夫≫

Randy Tatum(250mm f/10 refl:ToUcam Pro)
made before the convection currents ruined the seeing. Seeing was 6/10 and transparency was 3/5. I used a 25.4 cm f/12 refl., 2x barlow, no filter, ToUcam Pro, Registax 3 and Photoshop 3.
[ Randy Tatum, Richmond, VA U.S.A]

Christopher Go (Celestron C8:Toucam webcam)
Although the image is not yet perfect, it is acceptable now. A little more tweak in the collimation should make this perfect!
Here's an image of Jupiter's boring side. Note the wealth of detail on the SSTB dark red barge. Also note the white cloud at the SSTB.

[Christopher Go : Cebu Philippines]
ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section