土星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Saturn Image 2005/02/25(UT)
Tony Licata,Vittorio Amadori,Brian Colville

Tony Licata(280mm SC:ToUcamProII)
2005/02/25  03:26:00 (UT) C11 ToUcam Pro II  Seeing 4-5/10 Trans 3/5
Please Post on ALPO Japan Saturn Section, Thank You.
This is my first post.

[トニー・リカタ:アメリカ  ミシガン州]
[Tony Licata:Farnington Hills Michigan-USA]

Amadori(505mm Newtonian Philips Vesta Pro)

[Vittorio Amadori-Soiano del Lago-Italy]
Brian Colville(300mm F10 Schmidt-Cass:ToUcam Pro)
Transparency and seeing were good, 4/5 and 3/5 respectively.
I used the 30cm SCT @ f28 to capture these images.  
The IR, methane and UV frames were taken with the ATK-1HS long exposure camera, and the RGB image is from the ToUcam.  
There is a false colour images which used the methane/IR/UV band images to create the colour image.
Exposure/filter data listed below.  Time posted on the images.  
Images were captured with K3CCD Tools and processed with Registax 3.
IR  300 x 0.5sec Schuler IR830nm Methane 50 x 3sec Custom Scientific 889nm, 18nm FWHM
UV 50 x 2 sec Schuler UV 340nm RGB 1200x 0.25sec Schuler IR/UV Block
Please let me know if you have any questions.
[ Brian Colville : Cambray Canada]

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section