金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2005/12/28(UT)

Nilde Sotera

Nilde Sotera (Newton 178 mm f/5.5 ToUcam Pro)
  Venus 2005/12/28 15:09:12 UT
  Telescope: 178 mm f/5.5 single rail homemade Newtonian working at 8100 mm EFL, with Baader Genuine Ortho 12.5 mm
  Camera: ToUcam Pro with Baader IR-cut ON, shutter speed 1/50s, frame rate 15 fps, gain 20%.
  Seeing 5/10, Transparence 8/10
  Best 141/708 common AVI frames aligned and stacked with K3CCD, no unsharp masking, RGB shift manually corrected with IRIS 5.00. 
  Text added with Paint Shop Pro 4.
[Nilde Sotera : Gela,Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section