木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2006/03/09(UT)

Carlos.E.Hernandez,Brett Turner

Carlos E. Hernandez (Drawing:9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov- Cassegrain)
I made a monochrome (color estimations interrupted by clouds) observation of Jupiter on March 9,2006 at 05:30 U.T. under average (5/10) seeing conditions. The South Equatorial Belt (SEB) and the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) exhibited a good amount of detail as shown. The Great Red Spot (GRS) was visible towards the following limb and also exhibited some detail. I welcome any comments that you may have on my observation.
Date (U.T.): March 9,2006
Time (U.T.): 05:30
L1 051.0,L2 073.3,L3 195.6
De: -3.4,Ds: -3.0,Diameter: 40.5" (equatorial)
Instrument: 9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain
Magnification: 248x and 271x
Filter: Klee OPS Barlow
Seeing (1-10): 5,Antoniadi (I-V): III
Transparency (1-6): 3 (Intermittent Clouds)

South Polar Region (SPR): Appears dark to dull (3-5/10) and mottled.
South Temperate Zone (STZ): Appears thin and bright (7/10). The  preceding half appears to expand in latitude.
South Temperate Belt (STB): Appears thin and dark (3/10). No ovals  noted within at this time.
South Tropical Zone (STrZ): Appears bright (7/10) with the Great Red  Spot (GRS) over it's following half.
Great Red Spot (GRS): Appears dusky to bright (4-7/10,dusky (4/10)  southern border with fine detail within
during moments of steady  seeing).
South Equatorial Belt (SEB): Appears dark to dull (3-5/10) with a  bright (7/10),irregular zone over it's
northern half.
Equatorial Zone (EZ): Appears shaded to bright (6-7/10) with a thin,dull (5/10) band over it' center.
North Equatorial Belt (NEB): Appears dark to dull (3-5/10) with  mottled sections. Dark to very dark (2-3/10)
blue festoons appear  along the southern border (NEB-S).
North Tropical Zone (NTrZ): Appears bright (7/10) without any other  detail noted within.
North Polar Region (NPR): Appears dark to dull (3-5/10) and mottled.

[[Carlos.E. Hernandez  South Florida U.S.A ]]

Brett Turner (254mm Newton ToUcam Pro)
Seeing was quite reasonable over Perth last night. It only started to deteriorate towards the end of my imaging session when the clouds started to roll in. All four attached images show the march of Io and its shadow across the face of Jupiter. Again some details on Io can be seen. It is very close to the same position on the 3rd of March when I also caught Io's movement across Jupiter.

[Brett Turner,Perth Western Australia]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section