木星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Jupiter Image 2006/07/11(UT)
Fabio Carvalho,Pete Lawrence,Fattinnanzi Cristian,Cristina Cellini,Mauro Mingo,Christophe Pellier,R.Mackintosh & M.Konishi

Akitoshi Hatanaka (400mm Cassegrain)

≪三重県熊野市  畑中明利≫

Fabio Carvalho (Newtonian 254mm)
2006/07/11 21:04(UT) - 21:53(UT)
D. 39.3"
Newtonian 254mm f/6 at f/26
Philips Toucam Pro II
Seeing 7/10   Trans. 8/10

[Fabio Carvalho : Assis,Brazil]

Pete Lawrence(LX200 250mm SC)
I've figured that the GRS is hiding from me so I've decided to go to greater lengths to get it! Last night I managed to pick up Jupiter in daylight as the Sun was setting and start my imaging run just as the GRS hit the limb. I had to reduce focal length to give me a bright enough image to work with.
I have a number of observations covering the first 10 days of July in the pipeline but not enough time to process them at the moment unfortunately. The pending image sets were taken at my normal f/30 working f/ratio.

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
Toshirou.Mishina (200mm Newtonian)

≪神奈川県  横浜市  三品利郎≫

Fattinnanzi Cristian (250mm Newtonian)

[Fattinnanzi Cristian :  Macerata ITALY]

Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12")
2006/07/11 19.13 (UT)
Meade LX200 12"
Lumenera Lu75C
Barlow Abbe Baader-Zeiss 3x

[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]

Mauro Mingo (235mm SCT)

[Mauro Mingo : Cupramontana (AN),ITALY]

Christophe Pellier (C14)

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Mackintosh.Roberto & Konishi.Monicat(300mm SCT)

[Mackintosh.Roberto & Konishi.Monicat: Buenos Aires-Argentina]

ALPO-Japan Latest Jupiter Section