天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Uranus Image 2006/07/13(UT)
John Kazanas
John Kazanas (317mm Newton) |
I am trying to confirm a recent observation of the planet Uranus which was made on July 13th,
and my contain some surface detail in the form of belt activity/visibility.
The attached image was taken with a 12.5" f/5 reflector on July 13th, 15:25 UTC .
Ideally, it would be great to be able to receive some type of confirmation that the detail
visible is real, or vice versa, that in fact it is an artefact from my optical system and processing.
Confirmation by other amateurs and or professional astronomers would be great.
Subject: Uranus
Date: July 13, 2006
UTC: 15:25
3.6" arc seconds
12.5" f5 Newtonian
Philips SPC900 Webcam with 5 x Powermate, Baader UV/IR Cut off filter
Seeing 6/10 Trans 7/10
950 frames stacked and processed in Registax, then ME Deconvolution in AstraImage and further
processed in Photoshop to adjust contrast and brightness.
[John Kazanas,Melbourne Australia]