天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Uranus Image 2006/08/31(UT)
Jan Adelaar,Willem Kivits,Bernd Gaehrken
Jan Adelaar(178mm (7') Maksutov cass) |
First light with my newly B/W modified (regretly long exposure didn't work
last night) but always the fog here lately.....I hate it! Certainly Uranus
isn't the easiest one to image but alright I've got 'm,pole's are on 10 and
16 oclock
[Jan Adelaar:Arnhem City Netherlands]
Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Willem Kivits:Siebengewald Netherlands]
Bernd Gaehrken (800mm Cassegrain) |
2006/08/31 23:30 UT
800mm (32 inch) f/10 Cassegrain at VSW Munich
ToUcam PRO
Seeing 8/10 Trans 8/10
Struktures are visible with
very moderate sharpening,
but the contrast ist weak.
In the red and green color
the contrast ist higher
and the structures are better to see
in blue is nothing visible.
[Bernd Gaehrken:Munich,Germany]