天王星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Uranus Image 2006/09/02(UT)
Arnaud van Kranenbu,Robert Heffner,Willem Kivits
Ikuo Takimoto (310mm Newtonian) |
[Ayauta-gun Kagawa-Prefecture Japan]
≪香川県 綾歌郡 瀧本郁夫≫
Arnaud van Kranenburg(235mm SCT) |
Date and time: 2006/08/02 23:30-00:30 (UT)
235mm SCT at f/36
SKYnyx 2-0
Seeing 4/10 Trans 5/10 (varying)
Comments (English): The night of 26 august started very rather cloudy,but became cleared later on.
I was able to sample the RGB channels and the NIR channel,but I can discern no details on the disc.
I hope to try again under good conditions,because I believe that the NIR channels holds the best chance for imaging details on Uranus.
[Arnaud van Kranenburg:Vlaardingen Netherlands]
Robert Heffner (280mm SCT) |
Seeing was pretty good for the green capture but only fair for the other
captures,including the long exposure.
[Robert Heffner:Aichi,Japan]
Toshihiko Ikemura (310mm Newton) |
衛星 Umbriel は本体の上側、近くて写らなかったようです。
Satellite Umbriel was near the main body and did not reflect.
In the enlarging radiography of the main body of Uranus,the one that
seemed that a surface pattern it was not caught though the image was
carefully processed.
Use is free.
[T.Ikemura Nagoya Aichi JAPAN]
≪愛知県名古屋市 池村俊彦≫
Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006Willem Kivits:Siebengewald Netherlands]