Uranus SPR comparison by 3 observers by R.Vandebergh |
In antagonism to what one claims, the South polar region of Uranus and the contrast-effects due to its brightness compared to the disk in the red light, are certainly real features which are within the reach of amateur equipment when the seeing is really good. Here is a comparison of the work of 3 different observers, which all capatured the brightening at the right place and in the right proportion.Also, most of the observers have captured it more then one times theirself.We can impossibly speaking of beeing artefacts,as it appears everytime at the right same place,and even by different observers, working with different techniques. [Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]
[T.Ikemura (Japan)] The antarctic of Uranus having lightened by this comparison image became certain. There seems to be no one being able to confirm it is certain in low latitudes in these images. The one that moves along with the rotation of Uranus is expected to be detected from our image in the future. [池村] この比較画像により、天王星の南極地方が明るくなっていることが確かとなりました。 これらの画像では、赤道付近には確かだと確認できるものは無いようです。 今後、天王星の自転に伴って移動するものが私たちの画像から検出されることを期待します。
ALPO-Japan Latest Uranus Section