f x Venus Image 2006/01/27(UT)
David Arditti
David Arditti (250mm Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain:ATK camera)
More images of Venus from this morning in IR and UV. No particular features to see,but Venus is moving fast,gaining about 1 deg. alt. per day for a given UT,which may have helped me to get sharper images than 2 days ago.
Of interest to Toucam users,particularly of the modded mono variety from Modern Astronomy,may be my recent experience,that with bright objects low down (thus subject to a lot of turbulence),i.e. Venus and Jupiter in the morning,I have recently been experimenting with higher frame rates on the Toucam than the usually-recommended 10 (or even 5) fps. I have found the results to be excellent in the range 20-30 fps. (This was suggested to me because Martin Lewis got very good results on Mars with a colour Toucam at 30 fps). With these objects,if your aperture is large enough to keep the images bright,it really seems to make sense to collect the frames faster. I now think the benefits usually outweigh the higher losses due to compression you get with the USB1 interface,which is the reverse of what I believed before.
[David Arditti: Edgware Middlesex HA8 5LW: United Kingdom]