金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部
Venus Image 2006/03/08(UT)
David Rivas Romero
David Rivas Romero (C8 200mm SCT:Toucam Pro II)
2006/03/08 12:30 UT
CM: 295.3 deg.
Diameter: 30.37"
Altitude: 63 deg.
C8 (203 mm. SCT) at f/ 10
Color Raw Mode ToUcam Pro II (UV 365nm)
Seeing fair to poor. Even though Venus was in a very high altitude,
bright daylight(7:30 am Lima's time), some Earth clouds, and some
turbulence were present during the shot.
Still some Venusian clouds are discernible in the UV light!
[David Rivas:Lima Peru]