金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2006/08/19(UT)

Arnaud van Kranenbu

Arnaud van Kranenburg(235mm SCT)
Subject: VENUS 2006/08/19
Text: Hi, this is my first contribution to the site.
Weather conditions have finally been favourable to take some images of Venus in the violet. In addition to the RGB and V channels, I have also experimented with different colour images of Venus, RGV, LRGV and RGB. The difference in brightness of the RGB channels is possibly due to varying cloud and mist cover causing the red and blue channel to be disproportionally dark.
2006/08/16 06:10 (UT)
235mm SCT
Seeing 4/10 Trans 5/10
Comments (English): The morning of 19 august started clear but suffered from fast moving clouds. Between clouds transaparency was reasonable. The recordings in RGB and Violet were made between 6:00 and 6:35 (see image for more details).

[Arnaud van Kranenburg:Vlaardingen Netherlands]
ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section