金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2006/09/09(UT)

Arnaud van Kranenbu

Arnaud van Kranenburg(235mm SCT)
Date and time: 2006/09/09 6:16-6:57 (UT)
235mm SCT at f/36
SKYnyx 2-0
CM: 170.6
Seeing 4/10   Trans 8/10
Comments : Only 13 degrees from the Sun, Venus is almost fully illuminated. 
The weather conditions in the Netherlands are finally improving after a month of almost continuous cloudy weather. 
The NIR images at 780 and 1000 nm are contrast enhanced to show vague banding on Venus. 
I don't know wether this is a real phenomenon, but it shows in both my NIR channels. 
The blue channel shows the same banding as the Violet image, although with far less contrast. 
On contrast enchanced images the banding is much clearer and resembles the Violet image. 
This is the second time I recorded cloud details with the blue filter. 
The Astronomik blue filter seems to have at least the potential to record Venus-markings. 
This can be explaned by the extended transmission in the Violet region of some Astronomik blue filters (mine transmits 80% in the 380-400 nm area). 
The channels were all slightly wavelet enhanced and a levels correction was applied in photoshop. 
Additional filterering in Neat image and Paintshop pro was also applied to the Violet image.
[Arnaud van Kranenburg:Vlaardingen Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section