火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2007/06/07(UT)

Robert Heffner

 カラー画像で見ると、北極付近が白っぽく、とりわけシルチス(Syrtis Major;295W,+10)の西側は朝霧で白く明るく観測された。南半球は全体的にコントラストが低いようだ。
(reported by 1 observer)

When seen by the color image, near the North Pole was whitish and the west side of Syrtis Major (295W,+10) was brightly observed white by morning mist also in it. It seems that contrast of the Southern Hemisphere is low on the whole. (reported by 1 observer)
FROM Makoto Adachi
Robert Heffner (280mm SCT)
This time the sky was slightly clear where Mars was located for a 
few moments in between passing clouds (totally cloudy elsewhere), 
and I was able to get a quick image in luckily. 

[Robert Heffner:Aichi,Japan]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section