火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2007/11/10(UT)
Bruce Worsley,Donald C Parker,Jim Melka

 風本氏の画像では、アルシアシルバ(Arsia Silva;125W,-4)の山岳雲が記録されて
いる。また、南半球では朝霧も活発になってきたようだ。Donald C Parkerの画
側の暗い模様が見えるようになってきた。(reported by 4 observers)

The orographic clouds of Arsia Silva (125W,-4) are recorded by the image of
Kazemoto. It seems that moreover, morning mist is also becoming active
in the Southern Hemisphere. By the image of Donald C Parker, evning mist
is recorded clearly. The dark pattern of Noachis (350W,-40) on the south
has come to be in sight.
(reported by 4 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Bruce Worsley(SC-8 203mmSC)
07/11/10  7:28 U.T.
SC-8"  (203mmSC)  F/30 3X Tele-Vue Barlow
Meade LPI camera. No Filters
Seeing 3-5 Trans 4-5

[ Bruce Worsley : Cooper City,Florida U.S.A]

Akira Kazemoto(308mm Newton)

≪京都府久世郡  風本明≫

Donald C Parker(16-in (41cm) Newtonian)
Some discrete terminator clouds were visible.
Albedo features in Baltia showing through the NPH.
Again,the morning side of the NPH was very bright.

[ Donald C Parker Coral Gables,Florida U.S.A]

Jim Melka (300mm Newton)

[Jim Melka,St.Louis,Missouri U.S.A.]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section