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Saturn occultation Image 2007/05/22(UT)

Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Pete Lawrence,Cristina Cellini

Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton)
On May 22nd I could have a nice view of the Saturn occultation despite high clouds were persistent overhead since 2 days and cleared out just 2 hours before of the event!
Seeing poor as always and fairly good transparency.
A red filter was used with my usual equipment.

3rd contact: h. 20:38:33 UT
4th contact: h. 20:39:52 UT
Elapsed time: 79 seconds.
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]

Pete Lawrence(LX200 250mm SC)
Here's my first take on the occultation of Saturn that occurred on May 22nd 2007,visible from the UK in daylight. What's really surprising is that during the time I was waiting for the start of the occultation,I decided to have a play to see if I could pick up Titan with the Sun still above the horizon. With a few tweaks on the Lumenera settings,there is was a clear as day (if you'll excuse the pun!). Titan was magnitude +8.4 at the time and the Sun approximately 6 degrees above the horizon.

[Pete Lawrence: United Kingdom]
Cristina Cellini(Meade LX200 12")
Meade Lx200 12"
Lumenera Lu075C
Seeing 4/10 - Trasp. 3/5

12‹10'E - 44‹29'N
[Cristina Cellini:Ravenna Italy]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2007/05/26 [Vesta]
2007/05/19 [4 Vesta]