その他惑星 ALPO-Japan Latest

ISS Image 2007/11/12(UT)

Ralf Vandebergh

Ralf Vandebergh(250mm Newton)
subject:2007/11/12_ISS observations
The results of the STS-120 mission to the ISS are visible in this image taken on Nov 12.
The station lost its symmetrical shape again by the addition of a new solar wing,that of the
(to its permanent position relocated)P6 truss(in the image the outer solar wing below).
This is also the array with the damage,repared sucessfully by the STS-120 crew.
Image taken in poor seeing 

[Ralf Vandebergh:Neighbourhood of Maastricht Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Oplanets Section
2007/11/16 [ISS]
2007/09/21 [Three planets