金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2007/02/17(UT)

Arnaud van Kranenbu

Arnaud van Kranenburg(235mm SCT)
2007/02/17 17:30-1800 UT
235mm SCT  SKYnyx 2-0
Seeing 4/10   Trans 5/10 (varying)
Comments (English):
This is the first sharp view I have of the planet this elongation. 
I sampled three channels, a W47-Astronomik-NIR-block combination, the red channel using the NIR-part of 
the W47 filter and a Asahi-390 nm bandpass filter combination. 
Circumstances are not suitable for the bandpass yet, because of its small bandwidth it needs more light 
and therefore clear weather and a better positioned Venus. 
But it is a nice check for the image taken with the Wratten filter, the structures clearly match. 
Also the contrast of the Asahi filter is greater, due to its undiluted violet transmittance. In contrast, 
the W47-Astronomik IR-block combination passes more blue light and the features are less pronounced.
The second set of images show some colour impressions I made using a red image for both the green and the red channel.

[Arnaud van Kranenburg:Vlaardingen Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section