金星 月惑星研究会 関西支部

Venus Image 2007/03/11(UT)

Christophe Pellier,Richard Bosman,Arnaud van Kranenbu

Christophe Pellier (C14)
Here are a few Venus images.
It looks like there are some shadings in the 1-micron image,as seen in several occasions.
UV filter used is from Schuler.

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Richard Bosman(280mm SC)
Hi Guys,Venus observation from the 2007/3/11.
Small gif from 38 min. Venus in UV 370 nm.,Venus is moving very slow.

Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Richard Bosman: Netherlands]

Arnaud van Kranenburg(235mm SCT)
SKYnyx 2-0
Seeing 4/10   Trans 9/10 (varying)

Finally weather conditions have improved enough for me to take new Venus images. 
As it seems that spring is finally at hand and the clouds have lifted from the Netherlands, 
I hope to image Venus more often.

I try to sample at least four channels if I can, one violet channel at 390 nm, a blue violet 
channel at 380-470 nm and two NIR channels at >780 nm and >1000 nm. I also try sto sample 
some visual channels if I get the chance.

Conditions here in the Netherlands are better, with far les clouds, but the seeing is not 
optimal yet. It's good enough to record some detail. Often de planets rim is distorted, 
but details can still be discerned on the disc.

[Arnaud van Kranenburg:Vlaardingen The Netherlands]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section