金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2007/04/18(UT)
Emiel Veldhuis,John Sussenbach,Christophe Pellier,Andrew Greenwood

Emiel Veldhuis(203mm Schmidt-Cassegrain)
Venus today with reasonable seeing and transparantie.

1100 of 3000 frames stacked.

[Emiel Veldhuis:Zwolle Netherlands]

John Sussenbach(C11 280mm SC)

[John Sussenbach:Houten,Netherlands]

Hiroaki Akutsu(280mm Newtonian)

≪北海道旭川市  阿久津弘明≫

Christophe Pellier (C14)
Again a surprising result here ; the details of the B image differ noticeably from UV,to a point where it looks more coherent with G...
I believed that B was identical to UV (with lower contrast). However looking at my previous sessions,it seems that on the 6th there were also some marked differences.
Every other sessions show identical patterns.

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Andrew Greenwood(150mm Maksutov)
I have been quite fascinated by the current apparition of Venus. Prior to the 
attached image I had been using my 8" f6 reflector to observe the planet using a 
deep violet filter and was intrigued to see a broad but subtle cloud feature 
running horizontally across its face.

I recently took delivery of a 6" 1800mm f12 Maksutov and reconfirmed the 
observation I made with the 8". If anything, the dusky marking seemed more 
prominent. I then waited for reasonable seeing conditions and on April 18th they 
arrived. I captured four, three minute movies of the planet utilising a TouCam 
740 in mono mode, a 1.25" extension tube, 2x apo. Barlow and the violet filter I 
used for the visual observation.

As an Apple Macintosh user, I am certainly no expert using Registax, but you'll 
find my result attached. The image saved out of the program contained detail, 
but I have provided it here subjected to a very simple layer effect in PhotoShop.

18 April 2007/04/18, 1905-1924 UT

[Andrew Greenwood: Kerridge-Cheshire United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section