金星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Venus Image 2007/05/03(UT)

Sean Walker,Guillaume Bertrand,Christophe Pellier,Carl Roussell,Bruce Kingsley

Sean Walker(313mm Newtonian)
good transparency,though strong winds and poor seeing.

[ Sean Walker,Massachusetts,U.S.A]

Guillaume Bertrand (Newton 114mm)

[Guillaume Bertrand,France]

Christophe Pellier (250mm Cassegrain)
Some new images of Venus - the increasing diameter makes more things visible !
This is the first time that the "banding" in near IR is that clear. The same pattern is imaged in red light but less contrasted.
I have made a false color RGU image where B=UV. It shows the same details that the true RGB,but with more saturated colors.

[Christophe Pellier Bruz City,France]
Carl Roussell(150mm F8 refractor)
Time 16:12UT
Optics: 15cm f/8 Refractor
Magnification: 200x - 400x
Filters: W47,mW58,W25,IL
Seeing: 4-5/10
Trans: Clear,windy
Dia: 16.7"
Phase: 0.67

[ Carl Roussell : Cambray Canada]

Bruce Kingsley(280mm SCT)

[Bruce Kingsley: Maidenhead United Kingdom]

ALPO-Japan Latest Venus Section