金星 ALPO-Japan Latest
Venus Image 2007/05/19(UT)
Emiel Veldhuis,Paolo R. Lazzarotti,Bruce Kingsley,Nilde Sotera
Akira Kazemoto(308mm Newton) |
≪京都府久世郡 風本明≫
Emiel Veldhuis(203mm Schmidt-Cassegrain) |
weatherconditions were a mere better,but still some strong winds
made capturing difficult...
[Emiel Veldhuis:Zwolle Netherlands]
Paolo R. Lazzarotti (250mm Newton) |
Here's my first attempt in using the Baader Ca filter (thanks for the loan!) to detect Venus clouds.
This filter (395nm,just 8nm bandpass) delivered a sharper and steadier live image than any else UV pass filter I used so far!
Same shutter and gain levels as before.
The contrast was a tad lower but this is can be fairly compensated by a larger UM or wavelet.
[Paolo R. Lazzarotti : Massa-City,Italy]
Bruce Kingsley(280mm SCT) |
Poor seeing again on this occasion.Still plenty to see in U-V.
[Bruce Kingsley: Maidenhead United Kingdom]
Nilde Sotera (Newton 178 mm f/5.5) |
Telescope: Newtonian, 178 mm f/5.5, homemade;
Equivalent Focal Length =7100 mm; eyepiece: Baader GO 12.5 mm;
camera: Philips ToUcam Pro (740K); filter: Baader IR block.
15 fps, exp. 1/100s.
K3CCD (acquisition), Registax (processing).
[Nilde Sotera : Gela,Italy]