土星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Saturn Image 2008/11/30(UT)
David Gray

David Gray (415mm Dall-Kirkham)
The weather forecast said fog for this location - there was none; but very frosty! But I well know that these conditions can bring very steady seeing and was not disappointed!
With some difficulty I was able to glimpse the shadow of Enceladus; but hasten to add this was with the eye of faith: i.e. after checking WinJupos. Also indicated was that the satellite itself should be in front of the Ring shadow. I could not see this with any certainty,but around 07:35 got the repeated impression of a pale grey 'break' in the shadow in the finest moments. This was a very difficult observation,however,due to a continuous fine rippling along the edges of the shadow. The partial drawing is a reconstruction of the view from memory after the the end of session. As I say all this was very difficult but I felt the shadow became relatively easier fare after seeking Enceladus!! The elusiveness of all this rather throws more doubt on my possible glimpse of Ariel & shadow: Uranus Oct. 27!
WinJupos also showed Tethys emerging from occultation in the ring gap twixt the limb and Ring C; but I found it totally undectable.
Belt structure again well seen. Also the p. ansa of the rings was considered somewhat the brighter.

[David Gray: Spennymoor Co. Durham,United Kingdom]
Kenji Nakai(LX200 254mmF10SC)
LX200GPS-25(254mm Schmidt Cassegrain f/10)
2.5X Powermate+DFK21AU04
exp.:1/15sec. 15fps 78sec.
seeing:2-3/10 trans.:5/5

≪広島市  中井健二≫

ALPO-Japan Latest Saturn Section