火星 ALPO-Japan Latest

Mars Image 2009/12/15(UT)

Jean Jacques Poupeau,Willem Kivits,Emil Kraaikamp

になり、面白い姿を見せるようになりました。Emil Kraaikamp氏のアニメーショ
(reported by 3 observers)

The white clouds of Alba (115W,+45) came to be conspicuous. Orographic 
clouds become many and came to show an interesting figure. By Mr. Emil
Kraaikamp's animation, signs that an afternoon comes and mountains
clouds become remarkable are known very well. (reported by 3 observers)
FROM Makoto Adachi

Jean Jacques Poupeau (350mm Cassegrain)
Here is Mars on 2009/12/15 04H09 UT.
The transparency was bad. T = -5°C

[Jean Jacques Poupeau : Pecqueuse France]

Willem Kivits(C14 350mmSC)

Unauthorized use prohibited
[copyright(c)2006 Willem Kivits:Siebengewald Netherlands]

Emil Kraaikamp(254mm Newton)
The animations show Mars rotating in about 2 hours and 40 minutes time
between 02:15 and 05:56 UTC on December 15, 2009. Many orographic clouds are
visible above Olympus Mons, Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, Ascraeus Mons and
Phlegethon Catena. Other smaller clouds can also be seen.
Seeing was very good for Dutch standards, but not quite as stable as
December the 14th.
Astronomik RGB filterset, DMK21AU04 camera
The animations consists of 23 RGB recordings, selected from 87 monochrome
recordings and a total of 200,000 frames. Stacked +- 1100 frames per channel
in Registax, further processing in Photoshop.
the "05:56 UTC" time should be 04:56UTC.
The animation runs from 02:15 to 04:56 UTC, a little over 2 hours and 40 minutes.

[Emil Kraaikamp:Neighbourhood of Ruinerwold]

ALPO-Japan Latest Mars Section